Thursday, March 20, 2014

Heading Home

I had such an amazing time in Africa!  I'm sad that we have to leave, but I think I'm ready to go home.  I think the biggest thing I took away from this trip is that we don't need money or things to make us happy.  The people in Africa have almost nothing, and they seem happier than us!  I realized on this trip that we take so much for granted in the U.S. - like hot showers and variety of different foods.  I will definitely be living with a different perspective of life from now on.  

And thank you for all of your prayers for this trip.  We stayed safe and I'm positive that God saved us from getting attacked by that elephant on the safari day.  Apparently the situation we were in was very dangerous. 

1 comment:

  1. Emma,

    It was great to meet you and your mom, and to share such an amazing adventure. We'll all have stories to share about all of the things we experienced for such a long time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and perspective...
